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Center Hotel Traffic

The Conference provides transportation and shuttle services. Please plan your schedules accordingly and select rides as needed.


October 29th

  • Xiongan Railway Station - Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center

Stops at the recommended four hotels: Jianguo Hotel Xiongan Green Expo Park/Green Expo Garden Yun-Jing Hotel Xiongan/Wyndham Xiong’An/Sofitel Xiong An

(About 60-minute drive)

Pick-up time: 08:00-23:00

The first bus departs at 08:00, followed by departures at 1-hour intervals. After 18:00, buses depart at 2-hour intervals.

  • Beijing Daxing International Airport - Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center

Stops at the recommended four hotels: Jianguo Hotel Xiongan Green Expo Park/Green Expo Garden Yun-Jing Hotel Xiongan/Wyndham Xiong’An/Sofitel Xiong An

(About 80-minute drive)

Departure time: 23:00

  • Beijing West Railway Station - Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center

Stops at the recommended four hotels: Jianguo Hotel Xiongan Green Expo Park/Green Expo Garden Yun-Jing Hotel Xiongan/Wyndham Xiong’An/Sofitel Xiong An

(About 100-minute drive)

Departure time: 23:00

October 30th

  • Xiongan Railway Station - Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center

Stops at the recommended four hotels: Jianguo Hotel Xiongan Green Expo Park/Green Expo Garden Yun-Jing Hotel Xiongan/Wyndham Xiong’An/Sofitel Xiong An

(About 60-minute drive)

Pick-up time: 08:00-23:00

The first bus departs at 08:00, followed by departures at 0.5-hour intervals. After 13:00, buses depart at 2-hour intervals.


October 31st

  • Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center - Xiongan Railway Station

(About 60-minute drive)

Drop-off time: 13:30/18:30

November 1st

  • Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center - Xiongan Railway Station

(About 60-minute drive)

Drop-off time: 13:30/18:30

  • Jianguo Hotel Xiongan Green Expo Park/Green Expo Garden Yun-Jing Hotel Xiongan/Wyndham Xiong’An/Sofitel Xiong An - Xiongan Railway Station

(About 60-minute drive)

Drop-off time: 14:30/19:00

Intra-conference shuttle

October 30th - November 1st

  • Shuttle services available from Jianguo Hotel Xiongan Green Expo Park/Green Expo Garden Yun-Jing Hotel Xiongan/Wyndham Xiong’An/Sofitel Xiong An to Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center

    (As Sofitel Xiong An is located adjacent to Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center, there is no need to take the shuttle bus)

Contact for transportation services: Chen Yuan 18008083413